C program uses an array of pointers to strings str[ ]. Receive two strings str1 and str2 and check if str1 is embedded in any of the strings in str[ ]. If str1 is found, then replace it with str2.
#include <stdio.h>
int f=0;//flag to trace all replacement done in one row
void newin(char *dp,int nsize,char *nw) //replacement with new elements
{for(int i=0;i<nsize;i++) *dp=*(nw+i) , dp++; }
void moveleft(char *m,int osize,int nsize)//if o size is bigger then remove extra element
{char *p;
int jump=osize-nsize;//for jump to next element in right side
for(int i=nsize;i<strlen(m);i++) p=m+i,*p=*(m+jump+i); }
void moveright(char *m,int sp,int numel)//for move element to right and save data lost while new element or sub array insertion
{char *p;
int start=strlen(m);//set start point at the end of array
if(numel>start){printf("\n\t\t\tError in Right Move\n");return;}
for(int i=start;i>=sp;i--)//loop for move each element to right
p=(m+i+numel) , *p=*(m+i); }
char* rerow(char *m,char *old, char *nw) //it is used for single row replacement
int osize,nsize,msize; // create integer variables for store size of arrays
osize=strlen(old);// find size of
nsize=strlen(nw); //main row and both strings
msize=strlen(m); // for future use in program
char temp[msize+nsize];//create temp array for manipulation
char *tptr=&temp[0];//create pointer for made changes in array
while(*m!=0) //copy array to temp
{ *tptr=*m; tptr++, *tptr=0 , m++; }
char *dp=strstr(temp,old);//for get duplicate(Old) sub array Address
if(dp)//if duplicate array found
char *finalp=malloc(strlen(temp)+1);//allocate dynamic memory for store new to char array to char temp array for assign main char pointer array
return finalp;
int main()
{char s1[30],s2[30],*p;
char *str[]={
"a b c",
"Move a Mountain",
"Level a Building",
"Erase the Past",
"Make a million",
"...all through c!" };
printf("\tEnter Old number : "),gets(s1); //scanf("%[^\n]s",s1);
printf("\n\tEnter New number : "),gets(s2);
int cmp=strcmp(s1,s2);//if old and new equal it direct go to printf funcation
for(int row=0;row<6;row++)//pass evey row to funcation;
{do{f=0;//loop for replace all old values with new in one row
for(int row=0;row<6;row++)
return 0;