C Program area of a triangle can be computed by the sine law when 2 sides of the triangle and the angle between them are known.(Let us c)

Area = (1 / 2 ) ab sin ( angle )
Given the following 6 triangular pieces of land, write a
program to find their area and determine which is largest, 
 Plot No. a  b  angle
1   137.4 80.9 0.78
2   155.2 92.62 0.89
3   149.3 97.93 1.35
4   160.0 100.25 9.00
5   155.6 68.95 1.25
6   149.7 120.0 1.75

int main(){
float d[6][4]={1 , 137.4 , 80.9 , 0.78,
                  2 , 155.2 , 92.62 , 0.89,
                  3 , 149.3 , 97.93 , 1.35,
                  4 , 160 , 100.25 , 9,
                  5 , 155.6 , 68.95 , 1.25,
                  6 , 149.7 , 120 , 1.75},area,b=1,pn=0,pp;
int i,j,k;

printf(" Plot No.\t    'A'\t\t  'B'\t\t  Angle\t\t Area\n\n");

    printf("   %.f   \t\t   %.2f\t %.2f\t\t  %.2f \t\t%.2f\n",pn,d[i][1],d[i][2],d[i][3],area);

printf("\n\n\t\t Bigger plot no %.f     area %.4f\n\n",pp,b);

return 0;